nature at its best...

Friday, August 27, 2010

i follow you...


Someone asked me the other day...who is your idol? who inspires you the most?...and i did not have an answer to this...i thought of all the names who did something that the world took notice of...mentioning their name would add glamour to my statement...i could relate to none. I then thought of humanitarians who may have made a mark on my soul...sadly i could delve no further...dignitaries i welcomed, thanked, felicitated on so many public one touched me ...

Am i without an inspiration?? do i look up to no-one?? am i so non-surrendering???...but how could i not realize i was born out of my own parents...the very reason for my existence...not just because they made a combined effort to bring me into this world but because they taught me and still teach me 'commitment' by being very firmly rooted next to me in a time i need them the most...

Today when my father is on the threshold of releasing his first book, i will like to share a piece of my heart with all of you present here ...a piece of the heart ,of 'his' piece of heart...' me'...with due apologies to younger brother...i still will like to say that the 'first' born to any parents always is 'special' in many dad gave me the feeling of being special because i always thought his name after mine gave me an identity which no one could ever take away from me...whatever i chose to call myself later on in life ..i was 'born' ‘Radhika Arun Kakatkar' and there was not one moment i felt regret for this fact...this name..this identity always commanded respect because of the fine job that he was doing...because of the work culture he was portraying...because of the subconscious impact he was making on my young mind....

I never met baba more than once a week when I was a child…i must say Ankur was luckier in that aspect...but when I was a child he was more married to doordarshan than my mother...but i remember looking forward to meeting him...listen to him talk to various dignitaries...expressing opinions very very boldly...loving passionately and living life king size...(he also smoked four square at that time) ... i saw him laugh the loudest and cry full throated...both with equal genuinity...and that is how i saw life...whether i realized it then or i do...

One of the most important things a parent can do for a child is to show his offspring the most ‘virtuous’ way of life and ‘not’ the most ‘convenient’…my father did the job very efficiently…most of the times without his knowledge…but mine and ankur’s passion for doing anything that we do with 100% sincerity and 200% commitment is because we saw him do the same all his life…

Today…when i myself am a mother of a young boy...i realise how important my parents have been in my life...they are my biggest court of law...if i win a case in their court...i win it for life...

in my time of need they have stood by me not just as parents...but as fellow human beings who understand my need as a human,even if it sometimes does not fit into their frame work of 'good behaviour'...i feel that is the greatest blessing to have in to having beautiful babies...

i follow you aai-baba...without your knowledge and sometimes mine....